Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bellingham Home Inspector (King of the House) Manufactured Home Inspections

Bellingham Home Inspector (King of the House) Manufactured Home Inspections, Purchasers often think that home inspections at manufactured homes should be inexpensive. Fact is, inspecting a manufactured home can be difficult and even unpleasant at times. Vermin infestations and plumbing leaks are often found during manufactured home inspections. When buyers are seeking a federally insured loan, a manufactured home will require a HUD permanent foundation certification. This process includes an onsite inspection and a letter from a licensed engineer. King of the House Home Inspection is prepared to inspect manufactured homes and, working with an engineering firm, provide HUD permanent foundation inspections. Beware: Many manufactured homes will not comply with the HUD guidelines and, typically, that applies to pre-1996 units. To provide insight into the inspection process at a manufactured home, I have produced this video. For further information, or to schedule an inspection at a home o

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