Setting the right asking price is of absolute importance. There are several ways to go about it and trying out different methods will in fact get you to an accurate number. Find out what the prices of other homes are in your neighborhood. Talk to people especially others who may be selling in your area. Getting an independent evaluation is the best way to find out the value of your home. Ask an appraiser to conduct a comparative sales search for a better idea. You may have to spend a couple of hundred dollars for a valuation but it will be better than setting the wrong asking price.
Home Inspection
You have to state the condition of the home truthfully to the buyer. To prevent any defects being brought to the negotiation table and then losing out on your sale price because of them is not worth it. Pay some money and hire a home inspector. Take the necessary steps to fix any problems detected. Get another inspection in order to obtain an all-clear certificate.
At some point or the other, you may have to hire an attorney to draw up the sales contract. He will be able to tell you about the various local laws that may exist and draw up a fine contract. It is wise to have an attorney by your side to see you through the whole process especially while closing a deal. Many buyers are learning the tricks of dealing with sales by owners. Most are under the impression that buying a home from an owner may be easier because the owner may just want to close the deal quickly. At the closing if you are clueless, they may be armed with the necessary information and try to soften you up in the process. While it surely isn’t a battle, it is important that no person thinks you are inexperienced or can be taken for a ride. An attorney can arm you with the necessary information and confidence to get the best deal out there.
Your attorney can give you a better picture of the various legal documents and procedures involved. He can even advise you on how to deal with your mortgage – whether you need to close it or if the buyer can take over the same, etc. He may act as an Escrow agent or be able to evaluate any complex offers that may come your way. He may even sit you through the negotiation process. An attorney’s advice can be precious so make sure that you hire someone affordable as well as fully qualified to handle Real Estate cases.
These are surely not the only factors you need to take care of when selling your home on your own. Other factors like marketing, negotiation, home staging etc. should all be handled well. The whole point of selling on your own is to save the money you will be handing over to the agent. Yet you will have to shell out some amount to hire the above mentioned professionals. This will ensure that you get a proper deal for your home and the whole ride is a smooth one.
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